Special Collection in G-cubed on Subduction Zone Processes

We are pleased to announce a special collection in G-cubed called “Insights into Subduction Zone Processes from Models and Observations of Exhumed Terranes”. Submission to this special collection is now open and will be open until November 2022! We encourage you to consider submitting your papers to this collection. The submission portal can be found here:  https://gcubed-submit.agu.org/cgi-bin/main.plex. The special volume can be found in the pull-down menu for special issues.

The G3 call for papers can be found here: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/hub/journal/15252027/call-for-papers.html

Below is the formal volume description:

Insights into Subduction Zone Processes from Models and Observations of Exhumed Terranes

Subduction zones hold a position of unique significance in shaping the evolution of the Earth. They are pathways of chemical exchange between the surface and interior of the Earth, and as such contribute to such fundamental processes as continent formation, deep Earth water and carbon cycling, and thermal evolution of the mantle. Many important subduction zone processes occur within the interior of the Earth, where they cannot be directly observed. Understanding of these processes is driven by modeling, experiments, and by studies of rocks exhumed from paleo-subduction zones. In recent years, focused international collaborations (ZIP, E-FIRE) have driven progress in modeling, experiments and analysis of exhumed rocks from the subduction plate interface. In this special theme, we solicit contributions that use numerical modeling, experimental petrology, field observation, and analysis of exhumed rocks to better understand physical and chemical processes that occur at depth inside subduction zones.

Best wishes,

Maureen, Sarah, Matt, Philippe and Taras